PMA Entrance Exam online Application, Schedule, Requirments, Benefits and More

Do you have what it takes to become first-rate officer of our country's defense force, then you have to go through the examination process at the premier institution in the military school of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
The PMA Entrance Exam is the first stage in the selection process for cadetship in the premier leadership training school in the country.

How to take PMAEE?

Applicants are encourage to apply through online application
The PMA Cadetship Application form can be downloaded here

Interested applicants must fill up the application form. It can be downloaded from the PMA website. It should be completely filled up and mail it to the Office of Cadet Admission, Philippine Military Academy, Fort General Gregorio H del Pilar, Baguio City, together with a NSO copy of your birth certificate and a copy of your High School Form 137 (All documents shall become OCA property). It should be mailed not later than July 01, 2016.

Once applicants pass the examination, they will be required to undergo a physical examination at PMA Baguio.

Qualification and Requirements

  • Natural-born Filipino citizen
  • Minimum 5 feet for both male and female
  • Physically fit and of good moral character
  • Single and has never been married
  • High school graduate

Those who pass the exam will enjoy a full government scholarship and will not pay any single centavo during the entire duration of their training in the Academy where they will earn a Bachelor of Science Degree.


The PMA cadets will also enjoy a monthly salary, initial clothing allowance, and the support for the services in connection with their stay in the Academy.

They'll have a guaranteed job after graduation as an officer in the Army, Navy or Air Force and a noble privilege in serving the country.

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